We've only been here a week and a half, and it feels like it's been a year. England food is all right. It seems like the Britrish are obsessed with two things: peas and potatoes. Well, I love potatoes, but I can't say I am a big fan of pea soup.
The first meal I made (eggs and tomatoes, if you're Chinese you'll definitely appreciate the simplicity of that meal :P) tasted like freedom. Not to be cheesy or anything, but it is so amazing not to be on meal plan!! The cooking and cleaning, though.... is not. Sadly, it takes me about two hours total to make food, eat it, and clean up after myself.
So what kinds of meals have I been eating? Usually for lunch, I make a ham sandwich. Yes. A ham sandwich: no pickles, no tomatoes, no lettuce, and rarely cheese. It's not as bad as it sounds, and besides, I am too lazy to buy all the extra things that go with it and then spend the time cutting things up and putting it together. Sometimes, I spice things up with canned soup and toast. Sounds delicious? (NOT! :D hahaha.)
For dinner, I make the typical Asian meal: rice and some vegetable dish. Usually, I just stir fry some zucchini or broccoli and call it a meal, but today I got adventurous and bought pork cutlets. I don't know why, but cooking raw meat in a foreign country made me kind of nervous, but I guess since this is England, it shouldn't be such a big deal. So today I made asparagus and pork for dinner (delicious! :D). Also, I have learned how to cook rice in a pot and not a rice cooker! Let's just say that after a couple of burns, I got it down.
My stir-fry skills are really bad right now, but I think it's coming back to me. I'm sorry I don't have any pictures! I guess I was too preoccupied with eating and scurrying around the kitchen to find things--haha. I'll take some later!
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